
St. Croix Remodeling


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Storm Damage

St. Croix Remodeling - Storm Damage Repair

Minnesota Storm Damage Repair Specialist

In a typical Minnesota year, there are Twin Cities homeowners who contend with Minnesota Storm Damage to their homes. A large storm usually brings in an influx of out-of-town “storm chasers” trying to cash in on their loss. While there is nothing more devastating than to see your home damage by a storm, important decisions have to be made quickly to eliminate the risk of more damage and loss.

More importantly is choosing the right Storm Damage Repair Specialist. St. Croix Exteriors & Remodeling of St. Paul Minnesota is recommended by, and work with all major insurance companies. We handle every aspect of your loss from complete reconstruction to re-roofs, re-siding, clean up and restoration. In most cases, Minnesota homeowners are better served by a local company capable of handling your repairs. With St. Croix Exteriors & Remodeling there is no need to involve multiple contractors to complete all of the repairs to your satisfaction.

As a leading Minnesota Storm Damage Repair Specialist, St. Croix Exteriors & Remodeling stands apart from other contractors when it comes to tornado damage, fire damage, wind damage, hail damage, flood damage and storm damage. Home Improvement Partners will work hard to get your insurance claim handled quickly and fairly. When it comes to storm damage insurance claims, our team provides expert handling of your insurance claim and quality craftsmanship of your installation.

Please see below some of the many services we offer when it it comes to storm damage repair and restoration.

• Hail Damage Repair & Restoration
• Wind Damage Repair & Restoration
• Tornado Damage Repair & Restoration
• Flood Damage Repair & Restoration
• Fire Damage Repair & Restoration
• Major and minor structural repairs and renovations
• Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia and Gutters
• Windows and doors
• Interior renovations, remodeling and repairs

Call us Today! St. Croix Exteriors & Remodeling, your Minnesota Storm Damage Repair Specialists at 612-817-0400.